What Kids Say (2)
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Topic:    Why Do My Parents Want Me to Learn Music
Date:     March 2003
From kindergartners:
My parents want me to learn piano, so that I can enjoy music and hear my heart talking.
My parents say that I will be a happy and pretty girl when I grow up if I learn playing piano.
Randy Cheung
Sharon Pan
  • "My parents want me to learn piano, so that I can enjoy music and hear my heart talking." --- Randy
  • "My parents say that I will be a happy and pretty girl when I grow up if I learn playing piano." --- Sharon
  • From 1st graders:
    My parents believe: Studying music gives me a better appreciation for life; practicing music makes me glow with happiness and motivates me to set and achieve goals.
    My mom said learning music would make your right brain smart.
    Vicky Zheng
    Genevieve Macdonald
  • "My mom said learning music would make your right brain smart." --- Genevieve

  • "My parents believe: music enriches my humanity and increases my sensitivity to the world; studying music gives me a better appreciation for life; practicing music makes me glow with happiness and motivates me to set and achieve goals, and this radiates joy into both my present and my future life." --- Vicky
  • From 2nd graders:
    Mom said: Music has the power of magic.  When you are sad, music can make you feel better; when you are angry, music can calm you down; when you are happy, music can share your joy; when you are bored, music can cheer you up.  Dad said: Music is a language.  When I speak music, my heart filled with love and peace.  Music can also accompany me in my dreams.
    My parents think piano is a great musical instrument. It is also a great skill to have. They want me to learn music, play music and enjoy music.
    My mom wants me to learn good things. Playing piano is one of the good things. Piano is easier to handle than other instruments by a young kid. I enjoy music by playing piano and singing. Also it can train my finger skill and patience.
    Alex Chen
    Jimmy Huang
    Grant Wu
  • "Mom said: Music has the power of magic. When you are sad, music can make you feel better; when you are angry, music can calm you down; when you are happy, music can share your joy; when you are bored, music can cheer you up. Dad said: Music is a language. When I speak music, my heart filled with love and peace. Music can also accompany me in my dreams." --- Alex

  • "My parents think piano is a great musical instrument. It is also a great skill to have. They want me to learn music, play music and enjoy music." --- Jimmy

  • "My mom wants me to learn good things. Playing piano is one of the good things. Piano is easier to handle than other instruments by a young kid. I enjoy music by playing piano and singing. Also it can train my finger skill and patience." --- Grant
  • From 3rd & 4th graders:
    The reason my parents want me to play piano is because they want me to have appreciation of music and to serve God when I grow up.
    My parents say learning piano will make me smart. After playing piano for several years, I feel I am actually pretty smart now.
    My parents want me to play piano to learn how to enjoy the beauty of music, and they also think it will help my college entrance or to any school.
    Christine Cao
    Jonathan Pan
    Lotus Tan
  • "The reason my parents want me to play piano is because they want me to have appreciation of music and to serve God when I grow up." --- Christine, 3rd grader

  • "My parents say learning piano will make me smart. After playing piano for several years, I feel I am actually pretty smart now." --- Jonathan, 4th grader

  • "My parents want me to play piano to learn how to enjoy the beauty of music, and they also think it will help my college entrance or to any school." --- Lotus, 4th grader
  • From 5th graders:
    The reason my parents think I should play piano is because they think I have talent.  They also think it helps me play the flute in the school band.  My Dad, also, likes the songs I play.
    When considering me playing piano, my parents thought the skill would boost my creativity. They also agreed it would create a new look on things, different than someone who didn’t have the musical skill that came from playing piano. My parents last reason was because playing piano seemed like the best way to start with music.
    My parents want me to play piano because they say it is good for me. It takes a lot of coordination to play. Also, it’s great for my typing skills. Last of all, they say that one day I could play for my church.
    Kathleen Cervera
    Sarah Gao
    Justina Lin
  • "The reason my parents think I should play piano is because they think I have talent. They also think it helps me play the flute in the school band. My Dad, also, likes the songs I play." --- Kathleen

  • "When considering me playing piano, my parents thought the skill would boost my creativity. They also agreed it would create a new look on things, different than someone who didn’t have the musical skill that came from playing piano. My parents last reason was because playing piano seemed like the best way to start with music." --- Sarah

  • "My parents want me to play piano because they say it is good for me. It takes a lot of coordination to play. Also, it’s great for my typing skills. Last of all, they say that one day I could play for my church."--- Justina
  • My mom wants me to play piano is because as a kid herself, living in China, she wasn't able to do many of things I can do today, which includes piano, so she wants me to have the opportunity. She also believes that piano will be good for me in the future, to have multiple talents.
    I asked my mom why she wanted me to learn piano, and she said it was because piano was one of the greatest things in the world and she didn't want me to miss out on it. She also said it would be a great experience for me. Music can sooth you no matter what mood you're in, it touches your heart.
    My parents want me to learn music is because music is part of life. You can find music all around you. Music is an everyday activity. It exercises your brain, the coordination between your eyes, ears, fingers, and mind. So if you play piano, you might find it easier to pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time.
    My parents want me to play piano because it helps me excel in school and helps my finer motor skills development.
    Emily Wang
    Joycelyn Wang
    Deborah X
    Cory Young
  • "My mom wants me to play piano is because as a kid herself, living in China, she wasn't able to do many of things I can do today, which includes piano, so she wants me to have the opportunity. She also believes that piano will be good for me in the future, to have multiple talents." --- Emily

  • "I asked my mom why she wanted me to learn piano, and she said it was because piano was one of the greatest things in the world and she didn't want me to miss out on it. She also said it would be a great experience for me. Music can sooth you no matter what mood you're in, it touches your heart." --- Joycelyn

  • "My parents want me to learn music is because music is part of life. You can find music all around you. Music is an everyday activity. It exercises your brain, the coordination between your eyes, ears, fingers, and mind. So if you play piano, you might find it easier to pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time."

  • "My parents want me to play piano because it helps me excel in school and helps my finer motor skills development."--- Cory
  • From 6th & 7th graders:
    My mom said, by playing piano I will have a skill for the rest of my life, and can help me academically. Now since I also play flute it is a lot easier for me to understand the terminology, notes, and rhythm. Also another way is I can always have piano as a stress reliever.
    My mom wants me to learn piano because she said that sometimes piano can express your feelings. And, also, when she was a kid, she didn’t have the chance to play piano, so she wants me to have the opportunity. My dad always agrees with my mom, and said the same thing.
    Because my parents didn’t have the chance when they were young, so, they want me to have the opportunity to learn.
    Justine Shiou
    Vita Wu
    Peter Tan
  • "My mom said, by playing piano I will have a skill for the rest of my life, and can help me academically. Now since I also play flute it is a lot easier for me to understand the terminology, notes, and rhythm. Also another way is I can always have piano as a stress reliever." --- Justine, 6th grader

  • "My mom wants me to learn piano because she said that sometimes piano can express your feelings. And, also, when she was a kid, she didn’t have the chance to play piano, so she wants me to have the opportunity. My dad always agrees with my mom, and said the same thing." --- Vita, 6th grader

  • "Because my parents didn’t have the chance when they were young, so, they want me to have the opportunity to learn." --- Peter, 7th grader
  • From 8th graders:
    Both of my parents said basically the same thing: the molding of one’s temperament. They wanted to use my learning music and practicing piano as a tool to bring up a child with power, patience and dignity.
    First of all, they think that I should take advantage of every opportunity that I can have. Also, research shows that people who play instruments develop brain cells faster. Last of all, my parents believe that through playing an instrument I can better understand and appreciate music more.
    My parents want me to play piano because it helps me in my learning and helps enrich my artistic side.
    Yishan C
    Jerry Lin
    Carmen Young
  • "Both of my parents said basically the same thing: the molding of one’s temperament. They wanted to use my learning music and practicing piano as a tool to bring up a child with power, patience and dignity."

  • "First of all, they think that I should take advantage of every opportunity that I can have. Also, research shows that people who play instruments develop brain cells faster. Last of all, my parents believe that through playing an instrument I can better understand and appreciate music more."--- Jerry

  • "My parents want me to play piano because it helps me in my learning and helps enrich my artistic side."--- Carmen
  • From 11th graders:
    My parents want me to learn music because they understand that academics should always be balanced by fine arts.
    Mike Li
  • "My parents want me to learn music because they understand that academics should always be balanced by fine arts." --- Mike
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